Showing posts with label Super. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super. Show all posts

Monday, February 7, 2011

Combat Arms Hack Super Bullets Video

De.Bug just released a brand new update and we now have super bullets for all you crazy CA Cheat fan boys and girls! Super Bullets allow you to kill the enemy through objects (this includes, walls, cars, buildings, you name it). Jump in a corner or fly into the air, turn on super bullets and kill anyone and everyone. Check out new video below where SilentRunner kills anything that turns green on the map, so funny and it makes people so mad. Try it out with your friends or better yet, on your friends. Sign up for VIP today by clicking the logo below and get access to all of our secret forums and every single hack we offer free.

2DDMH Combat Arms Hack Super Bullets Video

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